The farmhouse
I put in the Work, the rest is done by Time
Over seven acres of vineyards and almost five of olive groves eight kilometers from the sea, on the Tyrrhenian coast, in the heart of the most Etruscan Tuscany.
The house is surrounded by a petticoat of absolutely organic vineyards, with vines such as Sangiovese, which the proximity to the sea makes smell of laurel, Syrah, which takes advantage of the sun and Mediterranean light to decline from year after year its varietal combinations of spice and fruit, and finally Ciliegiolo, which gives color and strength to the wine and which in its generous sobriety only seemingly contradicts the sweetness encapsulated in its name. The plantings are rammed ridge, with a density of 6,000 vines per hectare, and the soils are yellow sandstone rich in fossil shells, evidence of an ancient marine origin.
My small production of wine and oil is carried out with respect for the characteristics of the place with just enough technological input and what I call the ‘science of the vintage’, that is, knowing how to adapt one’s work and thus the result to the course of the season with its alternating rains and droughty heats.